You are solely responsible for your own self, for the release of your inner wounds, for your life-path and the fulfilment of your life’s purpose. You are powerful. You have the ability to create your own reality.
The work on my book made me realize that there are stepping stones that we need to cross to progress spiritually. These include various internal hurdles that many of us have, which not only affect our lives at the physical plane but also affect our spiritual journey. To help unravel these hurdles and to help us individually overcome them I conduct customized workshops on various themes under the broader theme of ‘From Spiritual Wisdom to Conscious Living.’
I conduct workshops in Auckland and offer the same series internationally through webinars. These are interactive and encourage mutual sharing. They are carried out in small groups and in informal settings. In each workshop, you will be guided to reflect upon your individual obstacles to conscious living. You will then be shown some techniques to help you raise your vibrations to potentially bring life - transforming experiences into your life.

The workshops / webinars are designed to empower you to move towards conscious living, to lead a spiritually enriched life. For those of you who feel incomplete deep inside, the workshops will lead you towards a practical application of spirituality and joyful living ‘from the Heart.’ The Heart-centered approach will help you face your life challenges with a shift in perspective.
A guided meditation is conducted in every workshop and worksheets are provided for self - reflection and personal growth.
For more information on workshops and webinars and to enrol, please contact me below:
Module 1: Emotional Healing and Empowerment
Module 1: Emotional Healing and Empowerment
This workshop gives you an opportunity to reflect upon your emotions and beliefs so that you can learn to observe and release them instead of being consumed by them.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- recognise the prominent emotions that seem to control your life
- recognise your triggers
- become aware of your beliefs behind the emotions
- know your mind and learn to question your beliefs
- adopt some tools and techniques to empower yourselves emotionally
- heal yourself by knowing your emotions
- feel free of your emotional baggage through inner work and forgiveness
A guided meditation will be conducted and a worksheets to reflect and analyse your emotions and triggers will be provided.
Module 2: Raise Your Vibrations
Module 2: Raise Your Vibrations
At the physical level, we live in fear that is often reflected in judgment, criticism, blame and victimhood. This workshop brings into your awareness the reasons behind and consequences of living in this ‘survival' mode. It will give you tools and techniques to elevate your energy vibrations from living in fear to living in love and compassion, where you can experience heightened feelings of inner joy and happiness.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- understand fear and analyse the circle of fear
- know what fear does to us and how it affects us
- question your fears and beliefs
- understand fear as a vibrational frequency
- move from Fear to Love and raise your vibrations
- bring higher vibrations in your daily life
A guided meditation will be conducted, and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Module 3: Knowing and Healing your Inner Child
Module 3: Knowing and Healing your Inner Child
Behind every negative thought and action there is an abandoned child within us seeking acceptance and love. In this workshop you will understand the reasons behind your triggers as adults. You will learn some techniques to heal your Inner Child and feel whole and complete again.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- understand ‘Real’ self and ‘False’ self
- know who your Inner Child is
- recognise the manifestations of a wounded Inner Child
- understand why it feels abandoned
- understand why you need to heal your inner child
- heal and love your Inner Child
A guided meditation to heal the inner child will be conducted and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Module 4: Living Consciously
Module 4: Living Consciously
In the workshop, we will look at how living unconsciously makes us a victim of our circumstances and life is simply ‘happening.’ This leads to stress and anxiety. You will learn how to step out of ‘creating’ unconsciously and to take responsibility for your choices in a different way.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- see the consequences of living from body, mind, emotional consciousness
- shift from victimhood to powerful being
- shift from blame to responsibility
- shift from complaint to gratitude
- shift from a disempowered being to a co-creator
- integrate and apply soul qualities in your day-to-day life
- live consciously through gratitude, integrity, intentions etc
A prayer and a guided meditation will be conducted and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Module 5: Personal Empowerment
Module 5: Personal Empowerment
As we live in the material world, we live two lives - one with our inner fears and insecurities and the other with a mask with which we deal with the outside world. The more we project outside what we are not thinking and feeling within, the further we deny a part of ourselves that seeks attention and expression. We lose internal power in the process and the cycle continues till it breaks us one day.
This workshop will introduce you to the integration of your energies and techniques to harmonize your internal and external lives. The more synchronized they are, the more internal power you will feel within. Then the magic of transformation manifests itself in ways that are unimaginable.
In this workshop you will learn about:
- factors that may lead to personal disempowerment
- what it means to live a life with a mask
- integration of energies between your inner and outer worlds to empower yourself
- setting up and maintaining personal boundaries as a key step to retain internal power
- self-acceptance, self-love and honouring self
- techniques to empower yourself holistically and live an internally nourished life
A guided meditation will be conducted, and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Module 6: Spiritually Grounded Relationships
Module 6: Spiritually Grounded Relationships
In this workshop you will understand the reasons for conflict and imbalances in human relationships. You will be able to recognize the limiting belief systems and the power of ego in its various forms. To manage your relationships spiritually, you will learn to befriend your ego and discuss ways to build harmonious relationships. You will understand enlightened parenting skills and get some guidance on conscious parenting to become spiritual teachers for your children.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- understand our relationship with the Divine Source, with yourself and with others
- discuss ways to start the shift from ego based to spiritually grounded relationships
- know the reasons of conflicts in relationships at the karmic level
- understand the Law of Attraction
- know ways to strengthen your connection to the Divine Source
- learn about unconscious parenting and how to become spiritual mentors for your children
A guided meditation will be conducted, and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Module 7: Know Your Mind
Module 7: Know Your Mind
Our mind is a powerful master and can control our reactions and behavior. It can also be considered an obstacle to our spiritual growth, as the ‘monkey mind’ can never stay still. However, our mind can be tamed and then it becomes a faithful servant. The trick is to befriend the mind and not make it an enemy.
In this workshop you will:
- understand why you need to know your mind
- understand your conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds
- know the functioning of an uncontrolled mind
- know the hurdles for controlling the mind
- learn ways to befriend your mind
- learn techniques to train your mind to make it a faithful servant
Module 8: Liberate Yourself Through Forgiveness
Module 8: Liberate Yourself Through Forgiveness
Forgiveness is a grossly misunderstood term as we are trained to believe that others have to ask for forgiveness when they have wronged us. However, forgiveness is not really for the other person. It should be to liberate ourselves of all the heavy burdens that we have been carrying. We will explore how forgiveness can be experienced in this manner, at the energy level for our own peace of mind.
In this workshop you will:
- understand the consequences of non-forgiveness at a deeper level
- understand forgiveness in the real sense of the term
- learn techniques to forgive yourself at the energy level
- learn techniques to forgive others at the energy level
- learn to open new pathways for your life
- learn how to liberate yourself through releasing unhealthy emotions
A guided meditation will be conducted, and worksheets will be provided for reflection and further personal growth.
Other Services:-
I also provide personal spiritual counseling and meditations on various issues online for individuals or groups.
Contact me at