
Living Consciously

I am calm. I am in peace
I am in harmony with the Universe
I love and accept myself the way I am
I am a pure and peaceful soul
I am pure joy
The Universe responds to my deepest thoughts
I think and feel positive
I am one with the Universe
Love is flowing through me in abundance
I am now attracting abundance
I feel complete from within
I am Love



    Gratitude raises our energy vibrations and brings in more reasons to be grateful. Start a gratitude journal! Write 10 different things that you are grateful for every day!


    “I am calm, I am in peace, I am in harmony with the Universe!”  Repeat this several times during the day. Train your subconscious to stay calm.

  • 3. SMILE

    Smiling to your Heart energy center (not the physical heart but your heart chakra located in the middle of your chest) expands your heart and increases the flow of love toward yourself and others.

  • 4. OBSERVE

    Thoughts are powerful. You can consciously choose to either neutralize your negative thoughts or let them control you. Observe your thoughts! When you observe your thoughts like an outsider would, their power over you slowly reduces. Send love and light to all thoughts that take away your calm.

  • 5. LOVE

    Love is all there is and can effectively neutralize all negativities in thoughts and emotions. Give loving thoughts to any negative emotions that need healing.

  • 6. GIVE

    Give unconditionally in the form of money, time, energy, quiet listening or a simple smile. When you do something for a family member or a friend, do so not with the intention of getting something back, but for the sake of giving as a reflection of your own compassion.


    Whatever you insist, persists! If you try to suppress or control your anger, the energy of anger will bounce back with a greater force. Use intention and attention to release anger from within. Intend to release anger and observe it dispassionately.  Then allow it to pass. Use this technique to heal any negative emotion.

  • 8. FORGIVE

    You hurt yourself, not others, with your negative thoughts of resentment and revenge.  Be kind to yourself by forgiving others.


    Meditate to become self-aware and connect to the wisdom within you. To start with, observe your breath, the inhalation and exhalation and repeat in your mind, “I am all love, joy, pure, calm and a peaceful soul!’ And feel the calm grow within.

  • 10. BE IN NATURE

    Nature is very nourishing and can bring stillness within. Observe nature to admire its beauty. Enjoy the stillness in the present moment and release all thoughts of past and future.

  • Let love radiate within your heart and spread to everyone around you. Peace and Blessings!